Due to the severe weather forecast warnings all church services will be CANCELLED, for tonight March 2, 2018.
نظرا لتوقعات الطقس القاسية تقرر إلغاء جميع الخدمات المسائية اليوم الجمعة 2 مارس.
Due to the severe weather forecast warnings all church services will be CANCELLED, for tonight March 2, 2018.
نظرا لتوقعات الطقس القاسية تقرر إلغاء جميع الخدمات المسائية اليوم الجمعة 2 مارس.
Dear Deacons,
The Board of Deacons invites all deacons ages 12 and up to attend a Deacon Meeting this coming Thursday, August 10, 2017 for a gathering of fellowship and prayer. We will be blessed with the attendance of Fr. David Bebawy & Fr. John Ibrahim who will share with us a spiritual word about “Diakonia” (which means service). The meeting will be held in the Main Church from 6:30pm-9:30pm. We hope to see you all there!
Your brothers,
The Board of Deacons